God 4 Singles Part 4 - Listening


Whether you are unmarried, widowed, divorced, separated or just plain single, come and discover God as companion and friend. Sheila says “I will be focusing on encountering God, listening to what he has to say to us: as singles, we can often focus on what we don’t have, rather than what God is saying. The reflection and sharing time should open up possibilities to reflect on how singleness can be actually of benefit at this time.

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Whether you are unmarried, widowed, divorced, separated or just plain single, come and discover God as companion and friend. Sheila says “I will be focusing on encountering God, listening to what he has to say to us: as singles, we can often focus on what we don’t have, rather than what God is saying. The reflection and sharing time should open up possibilities to reflect on how singleness can be actually of benefit at this time.

Whether you are unmarried, widowed, divorced, separated or just plain single, come and discover God as companion and friend. Sheila says “I will be focusing on encountering God, listening to what he has to say to us: as singles, we can often focus on what we don’t have, rather than what God is saying. The reflection and sharing time should open up possibilities to reflect on how singleness can be actually of benefit at this time.